Family Ministries

Kids and youth are a welcome and integral part of our church family!

We care about kids, youth, and whole families, and we hope to journey with them as they discover their purpose and discover who God made them to be!

At West Side, we want kids to be able to experience and know Jesus and find wholeness as they grow and learn alongside friends and caring adults, and also as they are empowered to serve and be a fully active part of our church family!

Sunday Morning Classes

Birth to Age 10….We’ve got you covered!


When you arrive on a Sunday Morning, you’ll be greeted and met at the Kids Check-In Station just inside our front doors.

There you will be assisted to check-in your children, find out what classes they will be in, and receive name stickers!

All of our classes meet upstairs in our classroom wing, but don’t worry—we will show you how to get there and make sure you meet the teachers!  All of our teachers are screened and trained to provide a safe and caring environment for your children.

You will receive a pick-up sticker that you will use to come back and securely pick up your child after the service.  Your kids will enjoy interactive times of play and learning together!


Nursery – Birth to Age 2

Toddler/Preschool- Ages 2-5

Kids Church – Age 6 to Age 10 (Dismissed to go upstairs during the service)

Youth Group

Students Ages 10-18

On Sundays at West Side, you’ll find our youth serving in various aspects of our Sunday service and church ministries!

Youth Group Meets on Friday Nights

Currently we are meeting every other Friday. email us for details and the next meeting times.

Family Resources

Parents and Caregivers, you are not alone! Here at West Side we want you to feel known and loved.


West Side Families Facebook Group

for regular attenders and members!


TRU: About our Kids Ministry Curriculum

The Bible Project

The Bible Project is a great place to deepen your understanding of the bible and the God that is revealed in its pages


GoMinno:  Faith-based Kids Shows Monthly Streaming Subscription

Common Sense Media: Family Reviews

Marriage Resources

SYMBIS – (Save Your Marriage Before it Starts…or Stops)

If you’re looking for pre-marriage counseling or marriage counseling and care, contact Pastor Dan at or Pastor Bryan at

Weekend to Remember